Friday, February 29, 2008

I, Too by Langston Hughes

I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I’ll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody’ll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”

They’ll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed—
I, too, am America.

T-title1: The title “I, too” made me to think that the speaker is also in part of something, such as in a group of society, a group of family, or a group of friends.
P-paraphrase: Throughout the poem, the speaker is defining how the Whites treated Blacks; including him, perhaps. The speaker stated in the period of time, when “racial discrimination” was a major problem, the importance of racial equality.

C-connotation: In this poem, the author uses symbols and metaphors to express the meaning of what the poem is trying to tell us. The title “I, too” is definitely telling us that the speaker (the author), is the subject of the title, personally. By using the word, “too”, which means that he is implying that he is also included in it, whatever that the society is, but surely America. I think it was very interesting that the author used him as his own subject, as the title.
He uses the word “America” as a symbol of equality, diversity, and perseverance. It is because he tells us that America was a place of segregation, equality for all, America is a place where we all are equal.
In the first line, he states “I, too sing America”. The statement is emphasizing the importance of he is also included in the group. It is also a metaphor for the embracing in the state of America.
A-attitude: The author uses vivid imagery and strong sounds to express how the speaker’s feelings towards racism. The tone of this poem could be desperate, but it is not at all. Surely, this poem made the feelings of encouragement, hopeful, and strong towards the readers.

S-Shifts: The author uses “I, too sing America” to show that he is not a stranger in a stranger place. The place where he settled, America is his country. He is American, not a stranger anymore.
T-title2: The title made me to think about the author again that he is American, too. He is not a stranger.
T-theme: The author Langston Hughes is telling us the way in which African Americans be treated at the period that time. The racism that towards African Americans which American society regarding. The term “America” is describing not only a place where everyone is free to do, but also a place where everyone is equal and given the same opportunities.